Pablo is glad to present his SOLO, first solo exhibition in Berlin, an exploration of the relationship between the individual and the environment, charting a new exciting territory in his work.

Reflecting on the urban environment, the city and the architectural object, the work of Pablo R. Benitez explores the complex and different relationships of ownership and possession that exist between the individual and the environment, and he focuses his attention on the concrete aspects of these relationships in all his paintings.

Opening Sat 28 March 19:00-23:00
Finissage Sat 18 April 19:00-23:00
Opening days:

Fridays and Saturdays, from 28.03 till 17.04 from 18:00 to 22:00

Location: Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 10-14, 10179 Berlin; Boatshouse



EINLADUNG PlanungsWORKSHOP_Spreeuferweg

Liebe Spreeacker Mitglieder!

Wir wollen euch herzlich zum Spreeuferweg Planungsworkshop einladen.
Am Donnerstag, den 26. März_16.00-22.00
Im Optionsraum Haus 3
An diesem Tag werden wir Studenten des CIEE Programms_Berlin, Barcelona und der TU Berlin begleiten, indem  wir zusammen Vorschläge für die Entwicklung des Ufers in einem Design Workshop erarbeiten.
Kommt vorbei und teilt eure Gedanken und Ideen mit den Studenten in diesem spannenden Projekt, eingeladen sind neben den Studenten auch Experten.
Programm (of course it´s in english)
16:00 – 17:30 – Live Design Working Groups
18:00 – 19:30 – Presentations, review, and comment
20:00 – Reception, discussion
Wir freuen uns von euch zu hören!
Für die leibliche Verpflegung ist gesorgt.
Questions? Ideas?
Please contact me!
Sunny Greetings

Veranstaltungshinweis für den 21. und 22. März

Dear people,
on the weekend of 21st and 22nd March (actually an official day of artistic creativity) we invite you for the next round of our workshops.
March 21st at 11h – Unforgetable busy-ness-card design workshop
As the name suggests we will be designing business cards in a more surprising and less conventional way.
March 22nd at 12h – Before, During, After – first aid kit for daily life
In this workshop, we’ll be using different exercises of visual expression, theatre, movement and body attention to help you dance through daily life’s tricky situations.
For both workshops:
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Boathouse at Spreefeld // Wilhelmine Gemberg Weg 10-14
We will take a donate to cover our costs for materials and the space
To register write me an email to

Open Island Workshop

Am Freitag den 07.03._ab 10.00 im Bootshaus

OPEN ISLAND WORKSHOP Veranstalter_D Collective



Makers, pirates, artists and activists, join this project to create, connect and learn!
In this WS we are going to test our island blueprints and build the first prototypes to sail the Spree.

We will start at 10:00 with a crew meeting to share the existing building plans and further ideas.
After that we will assemble the first prototypes and when finished we will take the first test ride on the river.

Location: Boathouse at Spreefeld // Wilhelmine Gemberg Weg 10-14

Please bring:
Empty plastic bottles, ropes, and anything you could imagine putting on the island. This can be wood for light constructions, solar power cells, soundsystems, life savers, etc. For overall happiness, please bring some snacks and a bottle a’ rum!

Participation is free. Donations for materials and the space are welcome!