Open Island Workshop

Am Freitag den 07.03._ab 10.00 im Bootshaus

OPEN ISLAND WORKSHOP Veranstalter_D Collective



Makers, pirates, artists and activists, join this project to create, connect and learn!
In this WS we are going to test our island blueprints and build the first prototypes to sail the Spree.

We will start at 10:00 with a crew meeting to share the existing building plans and further ideas.
After that we will assemble the first prototypes and when finished we will take the first test ride on the river.

Location: Boathouse at Spreefeld // Wilhelmine Gemberg Weg 10-14

Please bring:
Empty plastic bottles, ropes, and anything you could imagine putting on the island. This can be wood for light constructions, solar power cells, soundsystems, life savers, etc. For overall happiness, please bring some snacks and a bottle a’ rum!

Participation is free. Donations for materials and the space are welcome!